What is Keyword Mapping? A Beginners Guide

 01 August 2023

What is Keyword Mapping? A Beginners Guide

Keyword mapping is the process of assigning keywords to specific pages on a website based on their search intent. It is an important part of SEO (search engine optimisation) because it helps you optimise your site structure and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Table of Contents

The Keyword Mapping Goal
What are the Benefits of Keyword Mapping?
Website Structure, Relevance and Focus
Examples of how Keyword Mapping Helps
Keyword Research Tips
Keyword Research Planner Download

The Keyword Mapping Goal

The goal of keyword mapping is to match each keyword with the page that best satisfies search intent—i.e., what the searcher is looking for. This is the page that stands the best chance of ranking highly in SERPs.
There are a few steps involved in keyword mapping:

  1. Do keyword research.
    This involves identifying the keywords that people are using to search for your products or services. You can use a variety of tools to do keyword research, such as Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, and Ahrefs.

  2. Group keywords into clusters.
    Once you have a list of keywords, you need to group them into clusters based on their search intent. For example, you might have a cluster of keywords for "dog training," a cluster of keywords for "dog food," and a cluster of keywords for "dog toys."

  3. Assign keywords to pages.
    Once you have your keywords grouped into clusters, you need to assign each keyword to a specific page on your website. The page that you assign a keyword to, should be the page that best satisfies the search intent of that keyword.

  4. Optimise your pages for the keywords.
    Once you have assigned keywords to your pages, you need to optimise your pages for those keywords. This involves including the keywords in your page titles, meta descriptions, and throughout the body of your content.

What are the Benefits of Keyword Mapping?

Keyword mapping is a complex process, but it is an essential part of SEO. By following the steps above, you can create a keyword map that will help you optimise your website for search engines and attract more visitors.

Here are some of the benefits of keyword mapping:

If you are serious about SEO, then keyword mapping is a must-do. It is a powerful tool that can help you improve your website's ranking in search engines and attract more visitors.

Optimises your site structure and content for search engines: Keyword mapping helps you optimise your site structure and content for search engines by ensuring that each page is optimised for the keywords that are most relevant to that page. This helps search engines understand what your pages are about and rank them accordingly.

Targets the right keywords for your website: Keyword mapping helps you target the right keywords for your website by identifying the keywords that are most likely to be searched by your target audience. This helps you focus your efforts on the keywords that are most likely to drive traffic to your website.

Avoids keyword cannibalisation: Keyword cannibalisation occurs when two or more pages on your website are competing for the same keywords. This can dilute your search engine ranking and make it harder for your pages to rank well. Keyword mapping can help you avoid keyword cannibalisation by ensuring that each page is optimised for a unique set of keywords.

Tracks your keyword performance over time: Keyword mapping can help you track your keyword performance over time by providing you with a record of the keywords that you are targeting, the pages that you are targeting them on, and your search engine ranking for those keywords. This information can help you identify which keywords are performing well and which keywords need more work.

Here are some additional benefits of keyword mapping:

Website Structure, Relevance and Focus

If you are not sure how to start keyword mapping, there are a number of tools and resources available to help you. You can find keyword research tools, keyword mapping templates, and even keyword mapping services. With a little effort, you can create a keyword map that will help you improve your website's SEO and attract more visitors.

Creates a more cohesive and user-friendly website structure: Keyword mapping can help you create a more cohesive and user-friendly website structure by ensuring that your pages are organised around related keywords. This makes it easier for users to find the information they are looking for on your website, and it also helps search engines understand the structure of your website.

Improves the relevance of your website content to search engines: Keyword mapping can help you improve the relevance of your website content to search engines by ensuring that your content is optimised for the keywords that you are targeting. This makes it more likely that your pages will rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs) for those keywords.

Saves time and money on SEO by ensuring that your efforts are focused on the right keywords: Keyword mapping can help you save time and money on SEO by ensuring that your efforts are focused on the right keywords. This means that you are not wasting time and money optimising your pages for keywords that are not relevant to your target audience or that are not likely to be searched by users.

Examples of how Keyword Mapping Helps

Here are some specific examples of how keyword mapping can help you create a more cohesive and user-friendly website structure, improve the relevance of your website content to search engines, and save time and money on SEO:

  • Cohesive website structure:
    Let's say you have a website about dog training. You could create a keyword map that groups all of the keywords related to dog training together. This would help you organise your pages in a way that makes sense for users and search engines.

  • Relevance of website content:
    Let's say you have a page on your website about how to train your dog to sit. You could include the keyword "dog sit" in the page title, meta description, and throughout the body of the content. This would help ensure that your page is optimised for the keyword "dog sit" and that it is likely to rank high in SERPs for that keyword.

  • Time and money savings:
    Let's say you are trying to rank for the keyword "dog training." You could use keyword mapping to identify a list of other keywords that are related to "dog training" and that are also likely to be searched by users. This would allow you to focus your SEO efforts on a wider range of keywords, which could help you save time and money.

Keyword mapping is an indispensable and influential technique that can significantly enhance a website's search engine optimisation (SEO) and ultimately draw in a larger audience. In the realm of digital marketing, SEO remains a pivotal aspect for businesses and individuals seeking to increase their online visibility and reach. Keyword mapping, therefore, emerges as a must-do task for those earnestly dedicated to enhancing their website's performance.

Essentially, keyword mapping involves a strategic process of assigning targeted keywords to specific pages or sections of a website. This enables search engines to comprehend the relevance and content of each webpage accurately. By carefully aligning keywords with corresponding pages, website owners can boost their chances of appearing higher in search engine results, thereby attracting more organic traffic.

Keyword Research Tips

When undertaking keyword mapping, it is crucial to conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-impact terms for the website's content. Understanding user search intent and incorporating these keywords naturally and contextually throughout the website can yield favourable outcomes in terms of search rankings.

Additionally, keyword mapping facilitates the organisation and structure of a website, creating a more user-friendly experience. Visitors can easily navigate and find relevant information, increasing their likelihood of staying on the site and engaging with the content.

To give an overview of the above, keyword mapping is a powerful tool in the quest for a successful SEO strategy. By aligning targeted keywords with specific pages and prioritising user experience, websites can significantly improve their online visibility, attract a more extensive and relevant audience, and ultimately achieve their digital marketing goals. Those serious about SEO cannot afford to overlook the benefits of keyword mapping in today's highly competitive online landscape.

FREE Keyword Planner Template

As an added bonus, Apollo Internet Media are offerinig a FREE Keyword Planning Spreadsheet template. To download it, click the link below. A user account is required in order to access our free resources.

Keyword Planner Template

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